The River (view large)
The Ice River

The River (view large)

The first snow already covered the mountains in the alps (for a short time), so let me post another snow-free glacier image until the next snow blankets even the Big Aletsch Glacier.

This photo shows my favourite model coming from our Aletschhorn climb, walking down the Mittelaletsch valley. The Mittelaletsch valley is only accessible via glaciers and mountains. I really liked the visual compression of the scene, it doesn’t reveal the width of the glacier which is 2 km / 1.25 miles. It also reminded me on a floating river, amplified by the colour of the ice. So let me sing “Going down to the river”…


#spcfeature by +Swiss Photography Club G+ 
#plusphotoextract by +Jarek Klimek 
#landscapephotography by +Landscape Photography +Carra Riley +paul t beard +Ke Zeng +David Heath Williams and +Margaret Tompkins
#amazinglandscapes by +Rolf Hicker
#mountainphotos by +Mountain Photos
#10000photographersaroundtheworld by +Robert SKREINER & +Walter Soestbergen
+Wet Wednesday by +Jen Baptist 
#freshpics by +Fresh Pics +Trevor Farrell
+TurquoiseThursday by +Tatiana Parmeeva
#ThirstyThursdayPics by +Mark Esguerra & +Giuseppe Basile (welcome back Giuseppe)
#exposedphoto   #mountaineering   #D800E #glacier

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This Post Has 46 Comments

  1. I like blue ice.  and yellow flower. photo is beautiful.

  2. A river it is.  And then there are all the little (audible but invisible) streams under the ice too.

  3. spectacular!!!! Glaciers are always fascinating!!! Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful photo with Turquoise Thursday!!!

  4. I absolutely love the three layers you have captured in this beautiful photo my friend! I also see that frozen river which looks like a cold wind blew upon it as it was rushing through and over many rocks only to be frozen solidly in place. Luckily there were no boats upon these rough waters when they froze. 🙂 The bluish tones in that frozen River are wonderful as well. Wilfried Haferland Great job! This is an amazing photo!

  5. Sooper shot! Love the sense of scale here.

  6. Magical place!

  7. It indeed has to be viewed large Wilfried Haferland! The three layers are very nice. The contrast between the glacier and the green is quite surreal 🙂

  8. Johan Peijnenburg – Thanks Johan. This is indeed an image that reveals its content only when viewed enlarged. The thumbnail doesn&39;t appeal, but honestly, I thought it would more ;-). Thanks!

  9. A frozen tongue between the grass and the rock ( the 3 layers ). Yes, great composition without forgetting the scale ! I really appreciate your work 🙂

  10. I love the three layers here – one alive, one frozen and one stone. 🙂

  11. Athena Carey – Athena, you always see and express so well what I think are the keys of an image… Thank you dear!

  12. Tolle Aufnahme. Ist da keine Lawinengefahr?

  13. Viktor Peschel – Nein, keine. Ohne Schnee gibt es allenfalls die Gefahr von herabbrechenden Eisblöcken, dies aber nur in steilen Seraczonen. Beim Grossen Aletschgletscher gibt es kaum welche. Aber jetzt, mit dem Neuschnee dieser Tage, da gibt es schon stellenweise Lawinengefahr. Man muss nur wissen, was man tut 🙂 Vielen Dank!!

  14. Oh ich wüsste es nicht. Allerdings kann S-Bahn fahren in Berlin, auch sehr gefährlich sein. 😉

  15. Viktor Peschel – 🙂 Ich weiss. Neben direkten Entgleisungen gibt es aber auch immer wieder solche, die der Abteilung "Service" zuzuschreiben sind. Ich muss nämlich manchmal auch Berliner S-Bahn fahren 🙂

  16. Ja man könnte sich ja mal treffen. Wird mich freuen.

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