With a bit of light, colors are everywhere, even in my much loved blue-white dominated high alpine mountain world. The melting waters of Glacier de Moiry, located at the beginning of Val d’Anniviers in Valais, are of a distinguished green-turquoise color and carry a lot of sediments. I like the feeling of walking on that alluvial surface made by the waters as you can sink veeery slowly into it. It’s not dangerous, just fun.
Further down, the waters add to Lac de Moiry, a mid-size reservoir lake. If you decide to go there (by car, it’s possible!), choose autumn. In that season, the water-level reaches it’s maximum and you see only milky green-turquoise. Send me a photo if you have been there!
Google+: Reshared 7 times
Dane Clingan
10 May 2012Very nice image! Thanks for contributing to natureartthursday !!
Sumit Sen
10 May 2012Lovely shot!
Dalibor Pačić
10 May 2012Just wunderful! Great shot indeed and great backround story, my friend Wilfried!
We have met again today at Turquoise day! 😀
Jerry Johnson
10 May 2012Wilfried Haferland Not only are the colors beautiful, but you have also captured the movement you have described in your post SO well my friend! I love this photo and the green turquoise color is amazing! Thank you for sharing a part of this world that is familiar to you (but it&39;s clear you love it), but oh so magical and unknown to me. 🙂
jany viala
10 May 2012Les alpes UNE région de toute beauté, photo splendide.
Trisha Standard
10 May 2012Very beautiful Wilfried Haferland and looks like a interesting place to visit! =)
Laura Ockel
11 May 2012Amazing! Thanks for sharing such an incredible image!
Ada M
11 May 2012Oh, this is so breathtaking!
Annette Junge Daugaard
11 May 2012~❤❤❤~ so awesome
11 May 2012Very nice scene
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012Dane Clingan – Thank you, I&39;ll continue whenever possible!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012Sumit Sen – Thank you very much my friend!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012Dalibor Pačić – Dalibor, thanks for reading! Glad you like it!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012Jerry Johnson – Thank you so much my friend, you always have the right words… Much appreciated!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012jany viala – C&39;est vrai, merci beaucoup!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012Trisha Standard – Thank you very much, glad you like it!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012Laura Ockel – Pleasure is on my side, thanks!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012Ada M – Thank you, Ada!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012Annette Junge Daugaard – Many thanks!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012MAURIZIO PONTINI – Thank you, Maurizio!
Annette Junge Daugaard
11 May 2012you are welcome :)))) xoxo
Mark Esguerra
11 May 2012Very nice!
Wilfried Haferland
11 May 2012Mark Esguerra – Thank you very much!
Paul Turkowski
12 May 2012So beautiful view!
Natsuyo A
14 May 2012Wow! you have more repertories of Blue.(^_^)v very beautiful!
Roger Albani
16 May 2012Sehr schön Wilfried Haferland
Wilfried Haferland
16 May 2012Paul Turkowski – Thank you very much!
Wilfried Haferland
16 May 2012Natsuyo A – Thank you for your kind words!
Wilfried Haferland
16 May 2012Roger Albani – Danke Roger! Freut mich sehr :-)!
Dawid Martynowski
18 May 2012Very beautiful Wilfried Haferland
Wilfried Haferland
18 May 2012Dawid Martynowski – Thank you, my friend!
Johan Peijnenburg
21 May 2012Missed this earlier Wilfried Haferland. It&39;s beautiful. It is hard to figure out the scale of it. Coincidently we considered going there this weekend, but didn&39;t in the end. Guess I will have to follow your advice and go in Autumn!
Wilfried Haferland
21 May 2012Johan Peijnenburg – That&39;s funny! It&39;s worth a visit. Very well spotted: It&39;s nearly impossible to scale it. This is exactly what makes this image special to me ;-). Thanks, Johan!
Johan Peijnenburg
21 May 2012Now you are making me weven more curious Wilfried Haferland 🙂
Wilfried Haferland
21 May 2012Johan Peijnenburg – 🙂
Charles Lupica
22 May 2012Wilfried Haferland beautiful and it sounds like a wonderful place to visit.
Wilfried Haferland
22 May 2012Charles Lupica – Thank you very much Charles! Glad you like it!
markus rienzner
22 May 2012seems an ocean and hes island..wow is so beautiful!
Wilfried Haferland
22 May 2012markus rienzner – Thank you very much!
Kim Anglin
2 Jun 2012Love this one. The colors and the flow of the lines and nature is wonderful!
5 Jun 2012Simply wonderful! Wilfried Haferland
Wilfried Haferland
27 Jun 2012Kim Anglin – Thank you very much!
Wilfried Haferland
27 Jun 2012Robert SKREINER – Glad you like it! Thank you!
Melinda Koncz
10 Jul 2012Beautiful
Wilfried Haferland
10 Jul 2012Melinda Koncz – Thank you, Melinda!
Negar Fakhari
24 Jul 2012Love to see wide range of beautiful blue color here !!! Amazing capture Wilfried Haferland !! Many thanks 4 sharing all these beauties & wonders … really enjoyed watching ur awesome pics !!
Wilfried Haferland
30 Jul 2012Negar Fakhari – Thank you very much!
Anna Rimovska
18 Jan 2014great shot, wonderful!